500 Years by Heidi Voet

  • A young man in a young man's world
*, Plastic, 130x105cm, 2015

  • A young man in a young man's world
*, Plastic. 157x108cm, 2016

  • Peer Pressure, print on archival paper, 2014-2015

  • Exhibition View

  • Exhibition View

  • Exhibition View

  • Exhibition View

  • Of all the guys And the signori Who will write My story, Plastic bags, wood, paint, metal wire, 270×120×60cm, 2015

集體地自我形塑所謂的「現代身分」,取決於脫離維多利亞時代的道德傳統及美學價值。然而 ⋯⋯否定了十九世紀文化中的禮儀規範標準,有時卻混合了擁抱前人過去最為鄙視的「原始」。







.....Woven out of thousands of polyethylene bags, the flags in A Young Man in a Young Man’s World* each represent a nation that once asserted independence only to have met dissolution. The ever-changing geo-political landscape plays out on the slower geological time of the land. Therefore any country, new or old, is to some extent an arbitrary container, despite being a predominant factor in a sense of identity. The plastic bags, meanwhile, tend not to respect such borders and divisions, bringing with it displaced ecological problems. Their use here becomes a material metaphor for one of the most significant forces that divided the world and partitioned cultures over the past five centuries of “progress”, colonialism.   
In Oh No, Not Me thousands more of these plastic bags are used to recreate masks based on ethnographic artefacts in European museums. Masks such as these are commonly ritualistic, and so carry values beyond their material form as social objects. Like the flags they bind people together through tradition and rites of passage that connect to a sense of home and kinship, in their own context that is. As museum pieces, however, they are displayed outside of time and place, representing a “primitive” time and a cultural “other”. Frequently they made their way to Europe by being torn away from their own cultures by missionaries and colonialists as trophies that demonstrated the dominance of modernity. And while the ethical questions that this raises are apparent today, there is still a tendency to turn away from its deeper historical implications that might undermine a Western centrism that persists. As Sieglinde Lemke brings to light: “the collective self-fashioning of a modern identity was predicated on a break with Victorian moral conventions and aesthetic values. However… the negation of the received genteel code of nineteenth-century culture was sometimes concomitant with an embrace of that which their predecessors most despised —‘the primitive.’”[1]
It is, somewhat ironically, in the mask’s supports that Voet brings her own light to bear on this destabilised cultural identity. Sections of a reconstructed, and then deconstructed, modern Rietveld chair is used as the raw material for the display stands. Rooted in its own particular lineage of radical, rational modernism, the design now lies out of copyright and available for appropriation today..... (Extracted from the essay Half a Millennium of Progress Carried Home by Kit Hammonds)

A Young Man in a Young Man’s World*: The name for this series of works in full follows here

You believe in visions and prayers
But you don’t believe in what’s really there
You’re a young man on a dance floor
A young man in a young man’s world

Get on the dance floor
Get on the dance floor
Get on the dance floor
Get on the dance floor
Get on the dance floor

[1] Sieglinde Lemke, Primitivist Modernism: Black Culture and the Origins of Transatlantic Modernism, Oxford University Press, 1998. P146
The 500 years exhibition included three interrelated bodies of work that take the lifespan of a plastic bag as a historical period. Instead of looking forward, however, it looks back to link a period of history that has defined the contemporary age, from the earliest colonisation of Latin America, the Renaissance in Europe and the subsequent modernisation, industrialisation and globalization that pervade contemporary life.

500 Years
A solo exhibition by by Heidi Voet

2016.11.26 - 2017.01.08

就在藝術空間 Project Fulfill 
台北市大安區信義路3段147巷45弄2號 (No.2, Alley 45, Lane 147, Sec. 3, Sinyi Rd.,Taipei)