After Wake by Aaron McElroy

After Wake is a collection of visual fragments & anonymous female subjects from the artist’s daily life. Separated from the minutia of McElroy’s lived reality, however, the photographs also allow for an endless drift of fictitious suggestion & voyeurism. After Wake can be a half-alert morning recollection of disjointed dreams. Or it's a catalog of contradictory eyewitness accounts. It may also be something like the outtakes from a B movie chronicling pleasure, grotesque beauty, infidelity, addiction, abuse & redemption. In short, After Wake is a collection of provoking photographs by McElory that eschews concept & meaning in favor of imagination & a stream of inchoate ideas.

After Wake 系列的特色是將女體經由碎片式的視覺拼湊手法呈現,讓觀者欣賞到許多現實中的微小細節,這些畫面皆取材於藝術家的日常生活當中。它就像是一場不確定有沒有參與過的夢以及無止境漂流的旅程,又像是B級電影中的片段,記錄著充滿怪誕的美、快感、上癮以及贖罪。


Aaron McElroy是位來自紐約布魯克林的攝影師,2005年開始接觸攝影。2007年畢業之後不僅獨立舉辦個展也受許多美術館之邀舉辦更大型的攝影展,最近 Aaron McElroy 也出版了兩本攝影集 Aaron McElroy: SPBN After Wake


Courtesy of the artist and Hauser Gallery.