Subtropico by Esteban Lahoz

Esteban Lahoz is a photographer based in Barcelona, she was born in Zaragoza but she moved to Barcelona to study FIne Arts 7 years ago. After being graduated, she has been working as freelance photographer covering social events, and actually she's getting specialized in photography in the I.E.F.C( Institut of Photographic studies of Catalunya). During these years she has participated in several workshops, seminaries and collective exhibitions between Zaragoza and Barcelona.

Subtropico is the result of her latest journey. Her aim was to represent it as an interior trip, an introspection through the personal experiences lived in a foreign territory. Loneliness and curiosity have been the driving force behind the capture of the images, which have created this autobiographical journey.


Esteban Lahoz 是位來自巴賽隆納的攝影師。七年前畢業之後她就開始以自由接案者的身份拍攝了許多作品,最近她更準備在I.E.F.C專攻攝影,這期間她也參加許多在隡拉戈隡和巴賽隆納兩地的工作坊、研討會以及聯展。
