Flash Fiction: Adrian Samson

With a studio in North-East London, Adrian Samson produces a diverse body of conceptual work. His images are infused with an instinctive use of light. Born in Slovakia, Samson spent time in the Caribbean, United States, and Canada before settling in the United Kingdom. This cosmopolitan experience informs his work, which has found a strong foothold in both the commercial and the art world. He has shot worldwide campaigns for many global brands, while his artwork has been frequently shown in exhibitions and won numerous awards. Eager to share his experience, he frequently holds lectures at photographic schools and art events, while constantly working on his own projects.

攝影師Adrian Samson,1974年生於斯洛伐克,現居英國倫敦。Adrian操刀眾多品牌廣告攝影,需要考慮螢幕上瀏覽與切換的視覺效果,使他擅用三到四張影像而成的短系列,就完整一個故事。