I'm your vessel and you are mine.

I'm your vessel and you are mine. / 我是你的容器你也是我的。
didi & Shauba Chang / book launch with exhibition

《我是你的容器你也是我的。》_本書主要收錄藝術家 didi 近期的個人作品與共同創作的計劃。didi(2006年-)為一位新銳藝術家,目前生活與工作於臺北。她的創作專注在探索室內空間與身體之間的關係,同時也試圖挑戰流變學在當代生活裡的概念。配合新書發表,將展示部分選自書中收錄的作品,讓讀者一窺這位新銳藝術家的創作世界。

I'm your vessel and you are mine. _This book is a collection of the artist didi’s most recent works and collaborated projects. didi (b. 2006) is an emerging artist living and working in Taipei. Her practice focuses on exploring the relationship between the indoor space and the body, as well as challenging the concept of rheology in contemporary life. In correspond to the book launch, there will be an exhibition showing a selection of works featured in the book.

新書發表 8.18 (SAT.) 週六下午三點 
Book launch at 3pm, 18 August.

展覽日期 Exhibition date 
2018.8.18-09.01 (Sundays off)

展覽地點 Exhibition venue / NOON 
No. 9-5, Lane 269, Section 3, Roosevelt Road
(地圖定位請輸入「NOON company」/ Enter 'NOON company' for accurate location on google map)

場地贊助 noon company
投影協力 千鳥藝術

2018.8.18 - 9.2 展覽期間於展場購書即送小海報一張,數量有限,送完為止。