Silent Voice of Love by Nita Vera

Nita Vera, born in 1986, who is a photographic artist of Chilean and Finnish descent, currently living in The Netherlands. After graduating from the Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Visual Arts she studied fine art at the Academy of Pekka Halonen and the Muurla Institute in Finland experimenting with different materials and techniques. Currently she is studying photography at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague. She uses staged photography to explore themes such as relationships and femininity in our society.


攝影師Nita Vera,1986年生於芬蘭(智利與芬蘭混血),現居荷蘭阿姆斯特丹,有著視覺藝術和純美術背景的她,目前正在於海牙的皇家藝術學院(Royal Academy of Art, The Hague)修習攝影藝術。她的作品主題時常圍繞著人與人的關係本身——涵括社會、性別角色、家庭與愛——以充滿想像空間的詼諧手法,勾勒人生中的種種深刻。