Through A Gilded Stomach by Roxana Azar

“I used to have trouble flying, too. I barely left the house, or went in cars. One day, my neighbor told me to come over with my gold jewelry. She put them in a bowl and made me get cold water from the well. When I came back, she covered my jewelry with the water, poured a glass for me, and said, 'There are nutrients in this gold. Now that your stomach is laced with it, you won't be afraid anymore.'

After that, I went everywhere.”



Through A Gilded Stomach的創作緣起來自一段她與奶奶之間的對話,獨特的影像敘事法為觀者帶來了許多想像;我們並不確知文中的鄰居所指何人,但不管是誰,似乎都能從這段帶著魔法般的文字和影像中得到一點安慰。

Roxana Azar is a photographer and digital artists that lives and works in Philadelphia, PA, USA. Her work has been published in independent publications such as Of the Afternoon, Mossless, and Beautiful/Decay, and featured on photography blogs and websites such as Wandering Bears and Ain't Bad Magazine. She is the creator of the photography blog, Soramimi, focusing on young, international artists and their shared visual language.
Roxana Azar是一位攝影師和數位藝術家,工作居住於美國費城,她的作品曾刊登於獨立刊物 Of the Afternoon、Mossless和Beautiful/Decay,網路上的露出則可見於Wandering Bears和Ain't Bad Magazine。她也是Soramimi攝影部落格的格主,關注世界各地的年輕藝術家,以及他們共同擁有的視覺語言。
Image (c) Roxana Azar