Waterfall: Pocket

All begins with a draft titled: “ a list in the pocket. ” It supposed to be a list of names that whose work will be considered with the next issue. However, the title was taken misunderstood as the word “pocket” was for the next theme. And so it is, the POCKET becomes the topic of this issue.

You pointed at it and said: this is mine. In fact, it’s truly difficult to learn, what is m-i-n-e all about. However, you put these things in your pocket, and they’ll be following you all the time. While you’re walking down the street, they will just bump into each other in the pocket, again and again. Sometimes, they make sounds that remind you of being aware of where they are.


It’s close to you. It covers you. You can stuck your hands in it while feeling lost. You can live with or without it. It’s hard for you to recall how it feels like when your hands touched it. The memories of using the pocket and the trace left by using the pocket, it’s all about personal histories and individual lives.

All begins with a draft titled: “ a list in the pocket. ” It supposed to be a list of names that whose work will be considered with the next issue. However, the title was taken misunderstood as the word “pocket” was for the next theme. And so it is, the POCKET becomes the topic of this issue. 




