Waterfall: What's Your Function In Life?

Perhaps, living a life is not for any specific purpose, survival itself is the most valuable thing.

Bring together works from all over the world: The United States, South Korea, Britain, Russia, Egypt, Spain and Japan, the authors include professional photographers, artists, school teachers, students and the New York Times reporter and others. They’ve got an opportunity to question and to examine themselves, showing their inner life and creative ideas through this project. Mapping out the various day-to-day lives and also the metaphysical world view on private. We met a father, an on-the-road band and a pair of lovers; we saw youth, childhood, the middle class, the boredom in the reality, and the passion erupted in the solitude. “What’s my function in life?” “Why I’m here?” “What’s the purpose for it?” “What is life?” By asking questions,days like this or like that, no one could say what is the best, and no one feel too bad. However, we can discover something, like our own aura, in our daily life. In the moment this world seems no longer wonderful, those from the cracks in the excavation of the day-to-day energy flashes. Even if there’s only one little star shinning, it can make the sky as bright as always.


匯集來自世界各地的作品:美國、韓國、英國、俄羅斯、埃及、西班牙與日本等,作者涵括專業攝影師、藝術創作者、高中教師、學生和紐約時報記者等人, 他們都以此問句藉機詰問自己,在這個題目下檢視內心的人生觀與創作理念。映照出來的,皆是日常種種也是形上的私我宇宙觀。我們看見一位父親、一個四地奔波 的樂團和一對戀人;我們看見青春、看見童年、看見中產階級、看見現實中的無聊煩悶也看見在寂寥中爆發出來的情感。「我在人生中存在的意義究竟是什麼呢?」 「我為什麼會在這裡呢?」「我的目的究竟是什麼呢?」「什麼是人生?」透過不斷的發問,這樣與那樣的日子,沒有人能說什麼是最好的,也沒有人覺得太壞。但 我們都能從中窺見那麼一些,屬於自己的靈光,在這個世界看似不再美好的當下,從縫隙中挖掘那些閃爍的日常能量,就算最後就只有一顆星星發亮也能使天空耀眼 如往。