Between the Shell / Paul Salveson


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  • Book Size: 19 cm x 26 cm
  • Pages: 76
  • Printing: CMYK offset, Board book
  • ISBN: 978-1907946431

Paul Salveson這系列的攝影創作根源於紐約與維吉尼亞市,從2006年到2011年期間,他在生活周遭挖掘唾手可得的物件來建構畫面,如同現在許多年輕攝影師都正在嘗試的,將再普通也不過的日常用品化作充滿驚奇與詼諧的多彩拼圖。而這系列作品也為Salveson贏得了2013年的首部書獎(由MACK出版社設立)。他曾形容他創作過程的開展如同在一個空屋裡、或者等所有人都睡著之後,表演了一場私人秀——「我試著用一種陌生疏離的心態去消化自身的環境」,他說。

Paul Salveson’s photographs were born in New York and Virginia between 2006 and 2011. Constructing images in domestic environments from items found in arm’s reach, the results are absurdist constructions in which commonplace objects are jocosely rendered in polychromatic puzzles.

Salveson describes his photographic process as 'unfolding like a private performance in an empty house, or after everyone falls asleep... my engagement emerges from a perspective that precedes familiarity, disregarding the functions and cultural associations that objects are assigned. I try to process my surroundings with an alien mind.'

Paul Salveson was educated at Bard College, New York (BFA Photography) and the University of Southern California (MFA thesis on toothbrush design). His work has been exhibited at MoMA PS1, Swiss Institute, New York, and Actual Size, LA. (Publisher)