Thisispaper Magazine Issue Two


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  • Book Size: 24 x 18.5 cm
  • Pages: 144 pages
  • Printing: offset 4 colours, perfect bound
  • Language: English
  • Limited Edition: 2000
  • Publisher: Thisispaper

來自波蘭華沙的Thisispaper第二期,收錄了倫敦的服裝設計師Faustine Steinmetz、建築工作室6a Architects,以及販賣生活用品的LABOUR AND WAIT的專訪;同時也拜訪了位於米蘭的設計工作室Studiopepe。除了波蘭攝影師Bownik和Zofia Rydet的介紹外,Thisispaper也到了20世紀中將現代主義引進波蘭的建築師Bohdan Lachert,所設計的別墅與工作室。

暨創刊號之後,孕育了半年的Thisispaper第二期,從日常生活的面貌側視波蘭國內外的新興設計師與藝術家。「日常運動指南」(Guide to Everyday Exercise)及「好的細菌」(Good Bacteria),為Thisispaper在藝術與設計之外,覆蓋上一層關於生活的溫柔底藴。



Thisispaper issue Two is out.

The interviews of Faustine Steinmetz and 6a Architects are featured, with Studiopepe telling the importance of emptiness. Two very different Polish photographers are portrayed: Bownik and Zofia Rydet. Thisispaper also visit Bohdan Lachert, one of the most prominent Polish pre-war architects, in Warsaw's Saska Kepa.

What is special about Issue Two is that they share thoughts on living a healthy and fullfiling life - Guide to Everyday Excercise with Papa Sasha's illustration, and an introductory course of culturing your own Good Bacteria.

After the inaugural issue, like six months of subsiding, all eyes are upon Thisispaper issue Two.