The Spectacle of Now


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  • Book Size: 21 cm × 26 cm
  • Pages: 160 pages
  • Printing: offset 4 colours, perfect bound
  • Language: English / Chinese
  • ISBN: 978-986-85479-3-3

This is an issue about the pockets that carried each individual’s personal and private histories.

Going back to the time half a year ago, some of the submissions for the previous issue “Everyone Has Their Own Rooms” were marked privately by the editor in chief Shauba Chang in her inbox with the titled “the Pocket List”, which had inspried her to have a whole new context for the coming issue.

It was the moment when she had a dallying decision in mind and literally the consequence went on to a sense of someone’s own Pocket and all the movable possession in that. Because it is not visible from the outside, Pocket then became a space that could easily be neglected but personal. For those trifles in life, they were usually staying in this kind of hidden places waiting an accidental moment to jump out again.

The works in this issue includes photography, prose and illustrations, of which all dedicate to quality moments of being petty and frivolous in our histories. The places such as drawers and old photo booths shows in the selected works from photographr Charlie Engman and artist WeiWei Lo. A series of b/w photos which were taken during the last decade by the artist JuiChung Yao, this collection reveals the true emotion of the artist’s own from the touch of the past. The awkward human plants collage by illustrator Son Ni reaches another point of view about the strength between the exotic and the ordinary. The project “ Pocket Talisman “ makes a perfect conclusion for the issue Pocket either in the metaphysical or the physical way. By giving the symbolic meaning for those object which show in the photographs, the word “Pocket” is no longer a “Pocket”, but where the hidden histories and the personal feelings belong.