Everyone Has Their Own Rooms


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  • Book Size: 21 cm × 26 cm
  • Pages: 192 pages
  • Printing: 4 colour offset printing
  • Language: English / Chinese
  • ISBN: 978-986-85479-1-9

In this issue, Waterfall took “Everyone Has Their Own Rooms” as a starting point, gathering the results of how people living in different locations observe and search for connections to the world as individuals; and how their ways are processed into photographic creations. “Rooms” as a metaphor of the artists’ own “space,” contain influences and reflections of the world that battle in their ego, and in their photographs. Beginning from small and personal experiences, the thoughts of an individual mind is extended to include the surroundings, other individuals, lives, and societies… to be among and with the whole space. As from the book “The Art of Travel” by Alain de Botton, the journey starts from checking around your bedroom to continue on roaming in foreign countries. There are numerous opinions and comments for things out there in different viewfinders; yet eventually all backfire one question, of how everyone behind their cameras copes with him/herself in the world as an individual.

What are the looks of our rooms? What happens within the walls? Is it still our “space” outside these squares? Do our lives, our societies, and the world we belong in overlap with our own “space”? In this modern time, which we all know that wars continue on else where but here, where we buy coke from everyday with no blood in sight; what would be the proper way to view and experience this whole “space” shared and created by ourselves with all other distant strangers? From common stills of daily life to surreal scenes of imagination, from contemporary artworks to short literal fictions, everything in this issue is themed by one concept—presenting the experienced “space” of the world, by artists who rely and survive on it.

Korean photographer Hasisi Park, who has emerged to popularity in recent years, is invited to share her life from last Christmas to New Year’s Eve in this issue. As well as well-known Japanese photographer Kanako Sasaki, who presents her new works along with previous series. Both of the female artists find subtle relationships between people and surroundings in their own everyday spaces. Art photographer Chen Mao-chang, who has been active in the Taiwanese contemporary art world; presents an unusual insight into his city in the “WeLoveTaipei” series of strong, rough monochrome images. Besides photography, a young artist from Israel stands out from a large amount of submissions in this issue with his video titled “Salute,” which documents himself standing in a soldiers uniform on a street of Tel Aviv, the second largest city of Israel, posing like a saluted Nazi. As a typical picture from the memories of most locals and tourists, he tests and observes how the public copes with a demonstration of history in present day, as they pass by the performance. Moreover, artist Bbrother, who has been well known for his conceptual graffiti, introduces his latest project. He had mailed many private, public, and governmental departments, throwing the same question, “What is Democracy?” The variety of answers and unfixed replies are formally documented and exhibited for the public on paper.

In this issue, through the works of young artists from different locations of the world, who all try to ascertain their space shared in and with the universe with the measurement of distance, readers can rethink their own relationships with externalities. This issue of Waterfall comes with a smaller book; the contrasted quality in weight and size is designed as an echo to the theme. As well as the content, which flows as a journey starting from individual, which render through life, surrounding, society, to the universal space; then back to the origin of inspiration in artist’ minds, that pierce through the journey with their insight perspectives. From and through the rooms, it shows the world.