Take a look at YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2014

Take a look at YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2014

今年度的YAT特別著重當代攝影藝術,除了舉辦「Portfolio Review」這類在其他歐美亞國家行之有年,由創作者向攝影圈前輩、資深評論者展示作品的交流、評圖活動;也邀請了首屆亞洲攝影節策展人顧錚、韓國東江國際攝影節創辦人金升坤、日本木村伊兵衛寫真賞評審瀨戶正人,針對當地代表藝術家的作品,特別策劃焦點式的攝影展覽,展現當代亞洲的攝影藝術風貌。

The Broken Arm by Nicolas Poillot

The Broken Arm by Nicolas Poillot

The name, The Broken Arm, is inspired by Marcel Duchamp’s work of readymade—“In advance of the broken arm.” Under the artist’s manipulation, an iron snow shovel goes beyond its own commonness and universality as an everyday object, so that the audiences are no longer bounded by its basic shape and function; art, thus, departs from the so-called “track”, participates in the society, and becomes one of its members, mingling with everyday, business, thoughts, and so on.